Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Railroad Tracks, Southern New Jersey

"I've been walkin' down the railroad...all the livelong day..."

I grew up in a town in southern New Jersey. It's basically a cesspool these days, sad to say, but there are still a few cool sites around. 

One day Mim and I were visiting the place where I grew up and decided to take a walk on the railroad tracks that run through the town. They don't start in in my hometown, and I'm not sure where they end, but they are pretty neat. We also found some cool treasures as we walked along.

I almost didn't include this next picture, but I figured I would use it to make a point. Sadly, no matter where we go on our adventures, we usually end up seeing graffiti and/or trash. Now, whoever did this graffiti isn't a bad artist. Why can't they use their powers for good? 

Okay, enough of that. There were lots of signs people put up requesting that certain areas along the tracks not be sprayed with weed killer so that their plants didn't get killed:

Although, if the plethora of weeds we saw growing is any indication, they probably didn't have anything to worry about:

Here's a cool sign that was nailed to the railroad, and a broken plate that caught my eye:

Lastly, our treasures!

Railroad Spikes

Glass...thing.  I'm going to put a candle in it!

Toy truck!  C really digs it!

I may have more mini-adventures like this to share during those times that we do re-visit my hometown. As I said, it's not as nice as it used to be, but there are always weird and cool things to be seen no matter where we go!

Until Next Time,
Miss Myo

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